
Dreusicke offers the fine tools you will need for the maintenance and repair of office machines, computers, electronic and/or fine-mechanical devices.

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Doppelringschluessel gerade lang 18x19mmWrenches
No. 59L.18X19. Doppelringschluessel | gekroepft | extra lang | SW 18x19 mm Produktstaerken:
Gekroepfte extra lange Doppelringschluessel: Freiraum unter dem Schaft fuer die Finger bzw. zur ueberwindung eines Hindernisses
Ideal bei Muttern in Serie
seidenmattverchromt Technische Daten:
A [""]: 18x19
B [mm]: 25,3
B1 [mm]: 26,5
E [mm]: 14
E1 [mm]: 15,1
L [mm]: 405
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Price: EUR 77.74
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Bolzenschneider geschmiedet, 450 mmCutters and Pliers
No. 1-95-564. Bolzenschneider geschmiedet, 450 mm Produktstaerken:
Schenkeltyp: geschmiedet
Zwei Schneidtypen: buendiger und mittiger Schnitt
Stark und langlebig durch gesenkgeschmiedete Schneiden aus Chrom-Molybdenstahl
Leistung und Effizienz: hohe Schneidleistung, Stahl bis 160 kg/mmxB2 mit Durchschnitt bis 10mm
Schutz der Exzenterschrauben vor Selbstloesung
Entspricht GSA A-A-3047 Spezifikationen
Messerkopf sicher verschraubt, auswechselbar
Rutschfeste Griffe fuer erhoehten Komfort und sicheres Greifen
Minimaler Kraftaufwand beim Schneiden
Widerstandsfaehig gegen Loesungsmittel
Gute Sichtbarkeit am Arbeitsplatz durch gelben Korpus mit schwarz phosphatierten Schneidkoepfen
Nachstellung der Schneidmesser ueber Exzenterschrauben Garantieumfang:
1 Jahr Standard Herstellergarantie
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Price: EUR 78.44
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LED-Teleskop-Inspektionsspiegel 55 mmMisc., hammer, saws, files
No. 834B.RTI. LED-Teleskop-Inspektionsspiegel | max. 850 mm lang | xD8 55 mm Produktstaerken:
Mit LED hinterleuchteter Spiegel fuer eine bessere Einsicht in dunklen Bereichen
Kratzfeste Scheibe aus Glas
Glas mit Kunststoffeinfassung fuer besseren Schutz der Werkstuecke und laengere Lebensdauer der Scheibe
Gelenk leicht mit Schraube verstellbar und blockierbar
Ergonomischer und loesungsmittelbestaendiger Kunststoffgriff
Max. Laenge 850 mm Technische Daten:
d [mm]: 55
L [mm]: 955
[g]: 78
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Price: EUR 35.44
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Seitenschneider 160mm CPECutters and Pliers
No. 192A.16CPE. Hochleistungs-Diagonal-Seitenschneider 160 mm CPE Produktstaerken:
Neues Backenprofil fuer laengere Lebensdauer und groesseren Schneidbereich
Schneiden, die bei jedem Drahttyp fuer einen sauberen Schnitt sorgen: weicher Draht, moderne Werkstoffe und Pianodraht gemaess den folgenden Abmessungen:- 192A.16CPE: 2,0 mm 210 kg/mmxB2
Die Geometrie senkt die Schneidkraft dank einer versetzten Achse und einem speziellen Schneidprofil erheblich
Besonders bestaendige, gut schneidende, induktionsgehaertete Kohlenstoffstahl-Legierung
Ergonomische, chemikalienbestaendige Bi-Material-ueberzuege mit:- Rueckholfeder- Haltering(der Haltering erhoeht die Nennlaenge um 10 mm)
Ausfuehrung: Verchromt, korrosionsbestaendig Technische Daten:
B [mm]: 24
B1 [mm]: 15
C [mm]: 18
D max. [mm]: 2
E [mm]: 10
L [mm]: 160
[g]: 200
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Price: EUR 31.19
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Schraubendreher-Set 8-tlg.Screw Drivers
No. AT.8PB. PROTWIST Schraubendreher-Set 8-tlg. mit 1 Halter Produktstaerken:
Zylindrische Klinge fuer den Zugang zu tief liegenden Schrauben
Extralange Klinge bis 300 mm fuer schwierigen Zugang zu entfernt liegenden Schrauben
Waermebehandlung auf der Linie: + 100% Lebensdauer + 100% Widerstandsfaehigkeit
Griffwerkstoff: Soft Grip fuer mehr Komfort und Chemikalienbestaendigkeit
Klinge ""Tri-Coating"" behandelt (Zink-Nickel-Chrom): 4 Mal korrosionsbestaendiger
Griff ergonomisch optimiert: 10% mehr Drehmoment
Lasermarkierung: Fuer hoehere Verschleissfestigkeit
Profile mit CNC-Maschine bearbeitet: bessere Anpassung an die Schraube mit besserer Drehmomentuebertragung und weniger Verschleiss Lieferumfang:
AT3.5X75, AT4X100, AT5.5X100, AT6.5X150, ATF8X150, ATP0X75, ATD1X100, ATD2X125 Technische Daten:
[kg]: 0,918
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Price: EUR 77.70
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Wiha Countersink bit set 1/4" 5-pcs. in box (28027)Bits, holder, keys, nuts
No. 28027.

Extra: In plastic box.

DIN 3126, ISO 1173, Style C6,3


  • 1x Countersink bit 1/4" M3 x 35 mm (27892)
  • 1x Countersink bit 1/4" M4 x 35 mm (27893)
  • 1x Countersink bit 1/4" M5 x 35 mm (27894)
  • 1x Countersink bit 1/4" M6 x 35 mm (27895)
  • 1x Countersink bit 1/4" M8 x 35 mm (27896)
  • 1x Box

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Price: EUR 78.18
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Wiha Bit set for mounting 20-pcs. incl. roll-up bag (44576)Tool Kits
No. 44576.

Increases your efficiency: All common blades in one compact set.

Protects your health: With the patented SoftFinish® handle design, ensuring work is kind to hands and muscles. Recommended by doctors and therapists at German Campaign for Healthier Backs.

Simplifies your work: Utmost accessibility thanks to long, 50 mm bits. Also ideal for machine operation.

Makes handling easier: Optimal accessibility through 2 adapters with different lengths.

Saves time: Quick and easy bit change thanks to magnetic bit holder.

Dimensions: 193 x 55 x 50 mm

Application: The basic bit equipment for switch cabinet construction.
For fastening in switching cabinet systems, fuse boxes, and terminal strips.

Screwdriver recommended by physicians and therapists

Bits suitable for hand and machine operations

50 mm bits and two bit holder allow optimum accessibility

Magnetic bit holder

20-piece set for a variety of applications in switch cabinet construction

A standard-length blade is often unable to reach low-lying screws. The 50 mm bits from the bit set for installation allow in particular low-lying screws to be reached without problems. This significantly improves the accessibility of switching cabinet systems, fuse boxes, and terminal strips. In addition, thanks to the two bit holders included in the set, the length can be individually adjusted to a large number of applications. Quick and easy bit change is permanently ensured by the magnetic bit holders. The bit set for installation can be optimally used in both machine and manual modes thanks to the handle and machine bit holder design. The ergonomically shaped SoftFinish® handle ensures optimal handling and maximum work comfort. The set is complemented by the compact, space-saving roll-up bag for safe and neat storage.


  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm TORX® 1/4" E6,3 T15 (32307)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm TORX® 1/4" E6,3 T20 (32308)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm TORX® 1/4" E6,3 T25 (32309)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm TORX® 1/4" E6,3 T30 (33923)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm TORX® 1/4" E6,3 T40 (33928)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Phillips 1/4" E6,3 PH0 (32105)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Phillips 1/4" E6,3 PH1 (33703)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Phillips 1/4" E6,3 PH2 (33704)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm PlusMinus/Pozidriv 1/4" E6,3 SL/PZ1 (32494)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm PlusMinus/Pozidriv 1/4" E6,3 SL/PZ2 (32496)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Slotted 1/4" E6,3 3.5 mm (01792)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Slotted 1/4" E6,3 4.0 mm (01794)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Slotted 1/4" E6,3 5.5 mm (01796)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Hexagon 1/4" E6,3 4.0 mm (04195)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Hexagon 1/4" E6,3 5.0 mm (04196)
  • 1x Bit Professional 50 mm Hexagon 1/4" E6,3 6.0 mm (04197)
  • 1x Bit holder magnetic, clamping with retaining ring 1/4" 100 mm (36092)
  • 1x Bit holder magnetic, clamping with retaining ring 1/4" 150 mm (34306)
  • 1x Screwdriver with bit holder SoftFinish® magnetic 1/4" 112 mm (32160)
  • 1x Roll-up bag Nylon

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Price: EUR 77.68
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8000 B Zyklop Speed Ratchet with 3/8", drive, 3/8",Bits, holder, keys, nuts
No. 05003550001. 8000 B Zyklop Speed Ratchet with 3/8", drive, 3/8", x 199 mmZyklop ratchet with 3/8", drive. The fine toothing with 72 teeth allows for a low return angle of 5°. The ratchet head swivels freely and can be locked in any position using the slide switch on both sides. Unproblematic working with plenty of hand space even in very narrow or difficult-to-reach installation situations. The pre-defined positions at 0°, 15° and 90° to the left and right guarantee safe working without the ratchet head slipping. In the 0° position, the ratchet with adapter and bit can be used like a conventional screwdriver. The flywheel design helps accelerate the screwdriving process. The rotationally symmetrical design of the Kraftform handle and the fast-rotating sleeve support rapid turning. Thanks to the shape of the Kraftform handle being perfectly adapted to the hand, hand injuries such as blisters and calluses are avoided. The hard materials used for the handle guarantee quick hand switching without the risk of the skin ",sticking", to the handle. The softer, ",non-slip", zones offer transmission of high forces without loss. For 3/8", square head socket wrench inserts as well as 3/8", connectors with square head drive, with ball lock.05003550001
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Price: EUR 77.97
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8000 B SB Zyklop Speed Ratchet with 3/8", drive, 3/8&quoBits, holder, keys, nuts
No. 05073261001. 8000 B SB Zyklop Speed Ratchet with 3/8", drive, 3/8", x 199 mmZyklop ratchet with 3/8", drive. The fine toothing with 72 teeth allows for a low return angle of 5°. The ratchet head swivels freely and can be locked in any position using the slide switch on both sides. Unproblematic working with plenty of hand space even in very narrow or difficult-to-reach installation situations. The pre-defined positions at 0°, 15° and 90° to the left and right guarantee safe working without the ratchet head slipping. In the 0° position, the ratchet with adapter and bit can be used like a conventional screwdriver. The flywheel design helps accelerate the screwdriving process. The rotationally symmetrical design of the Kraftform handle and the fast-rotating sleeve support rapid turning. Thanks to the shape of the Kraftform handle being perfectly adapted to the hand, hand injuries such as blisters and calluses are avoided. The hard materials used for the handle guarantee quick hand switching without the risk of the skin ",sticking", to the handle. The softer, ",non-slip", zones offer transmission of high forces without loss. For 3/8", square head socket wrench inserts as well as 3/8", connectors with square head drive, with ball lock.05073261001
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Price: EUR 77.97
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Bit-Check 30 Impaktor 2, 30 piecesBits, holder, keys, nuts
No. 05057697001. Bit-Check 30 Impaktor 2, 30 pieces 1x 897/4 IMP Impaktor holder with retaining ring and magnet: 1/4", x 75 mm 7x 851/1 IMP DC Impaktor bits: 2x PH 1x25 mm, 3x PH 2x25 mm, 2x PH 3x25 mm 7x 855/1 IMP DC Impaktor bits: 2x PZ 1x25 mm, 3x PZ 2x25 mm, 2x PZ 3x25 mm 11x 867/1 IMP DC Impaktor TORX® bits: 3x TX 25x25 mm, 2x TX 30x25 mm, 2x TX 40x25 mm, TX 10x25 mm, TX 15x25 mm, 2x TX 20x25 mm 4x 840/1 IMP DC Impaktor bits: 3x25 mm, 4x25 mm, 5x25 mm, 6x25 mm1 Impaktor holder with retaining ring and magnet, 29 Impaktor bits. The Impaktor technology offers an above-average service life even under extreme circumstances thanks to the best possible utilisation of the material properties and the optimised geometry, particularly suitable for use with customary impact drivers, holder with ring magnet for simple holding of even longer and heavier screws, ideal for overhead work. The rough diamond-coating of the bits reduces the risk of a slipping out of the screw head thanks to the enhanced frictional resistance.05057697001
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Price: EUR 77.84
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