Dreusicke offers the fine tools you will need for the maintenance and repair of office machines, computers, electronic and/or fine-mechanical devices. (for commercial users only)
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Part list
Zusätzlich im Lieferumfang enthalten ist der Dreusicke-Werkzeugkoffer 1508 inkl. Werkzeugplatte und Bodenschale. Die Werkzeuge werden vor Auslieferung von uns im Koffer vorgesteckt, sodass der Koffer mit Ausstattung sofort einsatzbereit ist. Auch in VDE-Ausführung erhältklich, siehe Bestell-Nr. REPBAV1508P12.
Part list
Part list
Scaled discount on catalog price: from 12 pcs. 5%, from 48 pcs. 10% and from 96 pcs. 20%!
Scaled discount on catalog price: from 6 pcs. 5%, from 10 pcs. 10%, from 12 pcs. 15% and from 24 pcs. 20%!
Cleans and regenerates printer, pick-up and transport rollers. Gives them back their grip. Dirt is removed, the surface rough again. Also for metal platens, transport belts and mats. Not for silicone roller. Apply only for short periods of time, as the product is a solvent.
Ready for use. Very economic, since small amounts of it are sufficient for good results.
Scaled discount on catalog price: from 6 pcs. 5%, from 12 pcs. 10%, from 24 pcs. 15% and from 96 pcs. 20%!
Scaled discount on catalog price: from 12 pcs. 5%, from 48 pcs. 10% and from 96 pcs. 20%!