Here is the Mailroom

  Send your inquiries, comments or orders by E-Mail to Dreusicke.
Please include a daytime phone or fax, if we need to ask any questions.

Name : *)
Company :
Department :
Street: *)
Zip Code: *)
City: *)
Country : *)
Phone : *)
Fax :
E-Mail :
  *) required

Data Policy

  • In which products are you interested in ?
    Printer Parts
    Rubber Rollers Tools

  • How do you like us to answer your request ?
    Please call me for further information
    Please send me your printed catalog (in german)

  • Your message to Dreusicke:

Dreusicke's Terms an Conditions are accepted and valid for all transactions.


  Wilhelm Dreusicke GmbH & Co. KG - Rohdestraße 17 - D 12099 Berlin - Deutschland - Telefon 030/755 06-0
Last Update August 2000